I have to say a lot has changed that I could never have predicted. Sydney lives with us and has for 2 years. This is a real answer to prayer and we are grateful. She is a junior and doing well in school. She does not have any interest in Christ yet but we continue to pray. Katie is in England for the next 4 years and I don’t get to talk to her. I wish she would call me. It would be the best present ever. Ben is still not talking to anyone in the family..I continue to pray about this. I know the Lord is in control. At least we don’t have to deal with Lisa anymore and that is a huge blessing. I lost my friend Della in August of this year. She was almost 90. Her grandkids wouldn’t talk to her

.and it was so sad. I continue to pray for healing….

I guess I have to say that even though I love this season I had a really hard time this year.  This is the second Christmas we didn’t  get to see or takin to Sydney at all.  I have been praying, and I think  am trusting God in this but it was still really hard.  I miss her so.  I didn’t get a call from people I was hoping to hear from for whatever reason.  Sometimes I wonder if I matter at all.  I just felt like I don’t matter to them.  I’m just glad it’s over and I somehow s.

Our house has sold, we have signed papers and the Lord has provided a house for us that we are excited to move into Wednesday. So tonight as I sit up in our tv room it is the last weekend in this house. I don’t really feel any attachment to this house….but it is just odd to realize that after Tuesday we will never be in this house again. The.

change is needed. I have been having an especially hard time not having any contact with Sydney. It feels like losing my child….she spent so ,icy time with us and now I don’t even get any texts or calls. Lisa has cut us off. I don’t know why. It isn’t a good idea to dwell on it. Every time I think about her I pray…..now Thanksgiving is coming and the. CHristmas….I love those days but just miss her so much and can’t help but wonder how she is doing…what she is doing. Ben hates me and won’t talk to me either, and then there is Della. She has hung up on me with no explanation. Prayer is my option and leave all of them with the a Lord. Focusing on what a God is doing in our life is what I need to focus on.

After looking forward to seeing Sydney and trying to keep in contact with her she is back and hasn’t even made any effort to call me. I feel like she doesn’t care about us at all. I feel like it doesn’t matter to her whether shape ses us or not.

Today a huge answer to prayer. I have been praying for my kids…..the Lord took Katie into a job where there are Christians working and they invit d her to church,,,,she went and then invited Jess and he went.  Katie has given her life to Christ and was baptized today. THank you Lord for bringing her to Yourself.The Lord is in control and He has encouraged me beyond words!

well, one more day and then it is time to say good bye and send Sydney back home. Our visit was great and we had a lot of good times.we went to the beach twice with Sarah and brenden and aiden and to Silverwood. Then we took Sydney to River Bend for three days and she played in the river floating on the rapids. I got chances to talk to her about Jesus but she does not want to make a decision to follow Him. I can’t force it, just pray. She did not see her dad while she was here either. He does not know she was here. It is heart breaking . I don’t really know what Sydney is thinking regarding her daddy. I have to step aside and trust the Lord. I can’t fix this mess. Please Lord remind me to trust You.


we have had my grand daughter visiting for the last two weeks.  We have enjoyed playing countless games and just spending time with her.  Tomorrow is the last day til summer….she flies out at 6am Saturday for home.  I have talked to her about Jesus but she doesn’t seem receptive.  I gave her a Bible….and will continue to pray.  We love her so much!  The time is going so fast..she is 11and a half.   We wish she lived closer….but that doesn’t seem to be the Lords plan.

Tonight as we sit here watching the numbers we are appalled that Trump could possibly win.  It makes me incredibly sad and what else can I say?

Ok We haven’t put up a Christmas tree.  This is the first Christmas ever with no tree.  We are profoundly sad that Sydney is not here.  /he has always been here to decorate the tree.  Ben is in prison and I have to say I am totally sad.  I try to cover it up but when I am home alone I don’t have to fake it.  I love going to church but it is just so hard to hear the songs,I can hardly hold it together.  Then tomorrow afternoon Sue invited me to go to the church choir program and I said I would go but I am dreading it.  Surely I can get through this.  I want to enjoy it but it’s so hard.  Then spending Christmas Eve is something I would just as soon skip.  Please Lord help me to get through tomorrow…then Christmas Eve.  randy has to work Christmas Day so I don’t have to deal with it.  Ben is not moving towards the Lord…I continue to pray for him to decide to give his life to Him.

As I write this I have to tell you visiting my son in jail is something I never thought would be a possibility for me.  getting the first phone call from Ben from jail was so hard .  I remember praying and begging God to somehow get ahold of Ben.  he has been on the wrong path for a long time. Then I got the call and on May 25 he had been arrested.  I have been Africa of this and other things happening….the last time I saw Ben that day at the convenience store I was so upset and scared of what I was seeing and how bad off he was.m So the call from Ben from jail I felt really was an answer to prayer.  But that didn’t make it any easier.  The first time I went to visit I had to go alone.  I was very anxious and scared. I didn’t know what to expect.  Randy had to work so I went by myself.  I checked in NAND had to wait for an hour and was close to tears just waiting.  When I saw him it was behind glass….I cried I couldn’t help it.  We both did.  He was grateful to see me…..he was off drugs and it made a big difference.  He has said he has been praying and that he met a black man who helped him see the need to pray for Gods help for his anxiety and all of that.  God is on control of this….I get scared when I think of how he will be when he gets out….but God is in control and I will chose to trust Him. And be thankful for His dealing with Ben.